Maduro Mobile Cigar Lounge
Black Table Cigar Bar Package
Contact us for a quote
Service Description
Elevate your events with Maduro Cigars Mobile Cigar Lounge. Our service includes a 3-hour minimum rental featuring a decorated table with our logo/tent, 80 premium cigars with customized labels, ashtrays, and MCL to go Cigar bags. Additionally, MCL accessories are available for purchase on-site. Our experienced Cigar Aficionado provides education and cut/light services for the ultimate cigar experience. Book with Maduro Cigars for a touch of class at your next event. *50% deposit is required to secure your date and time. The full balance must be paid 48 hrs prior to the event’s date.
Cancellation Policy
To reserve any package, a 50% deposit is necessary. Please note that all deposits are non-refundable after the 48hr deadline prior to the event. In case of a cancellation, notify our customer service representative via email at:
Contact Details
353 West Hubbard Street, Chicago, IL, USA